Thursday, March 19, 2009

The results are in

What happened when I said yes instead of no? We had a truly lovely day!

  • my oldest girl got to take a toy to preschool
  • they got to watch TV during lunch
  • they wore the dress up shoes outside

The result:

  • my daughter was happy to have a 'friend' at school and the toy didn't get lost or damaged and didn't distract her or any of the other things I usually tell her will happen if she takes a toy to school!
  • they didn't want to stop reading books just because they were allowed to watch TV while eating plus they ate all their food
  • they didn't fall in the dress up shoes nor did the shoes get dirty

So there go all my arguments and excuses!

Me? I had a lovely relaxing day with 2 very happy girls. I don't think it has made them expect to get their own way all the time but it did make me realise how much I had begun to automatically say no. With a little more effort on my part we had a lovely, relaxing day!

I'm looking forward to a nice weekend while keeping up my new habit. What a relief, I really have been sweating the small stuff haven't I!

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