Friday, July 31, 2009

Lollipop day - again

Lollipop day for the girls - laundry day for me!
At least it's not raining today! My oh my we're having strange weather. The Pacific northwest is getting our triple digit heat while we're having their rainfall! I'm not complaining though - I dread that heat...
Hmmmm, summer in NY's meant to be hot ... and humid! Everyone here says "at least we get a dry heat" so heat plus humidity will come as a shock. And my hair - oh goodness - it'll be curlier than ever! So will the girl's!
We'll find out in a couple of weeks when we visit I guess!
Have a great w/e everyone!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Date night

Last night was (watch at home - thanks Netflix!) movie night.  But why are men and women so different in their  responses to movies?
I didn't want to watch Benjamin Button as the trailers creeped me out but my husband really wanted me to watch it with him, so I did.
I ended up crying (as usual!) not because of the actual character but because I always translate the situation in a movie into my own life. 
 His daughter eventually found all his postcards in which he says sorry for missing her birthdays, milestones and so on.  My husband couldn't believe I was crying at a movie I didn't even want to watch but really I was thinking "oh goodness, imagine I was to miss out on all those things with my girls".
On the other hand, I can't believe he can get so engrossed in some sci-fi movie where the actors are dressed in what is very obviously a pretend alien costume!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I've been 'tweeting' for a little while now - you can follow me on twitter at pinkpapayalyn - see you there!

Is it me or them?

We've been offered an all expenses paid trip to New York to look at houses, see the area etc. but children under 7 yr aren't being allowed to go on any of the official tours.
A neighbor has offered to look after the girls but I'm hesitant as they've never stayed anywhere overnight without us and this would be for 4 whole days & 3 nights!
Any time I think about leaving them I feel guilty - what if they wake in the night crying? what if they're miserable?
My husband on the other hand thinks we should leave them for sure :
  • "they love playing with her children" (they really do...)
  • "she's had 5 children - if anyone can cope she can" (I guess so...)
  • "what will you do with them while I'm out on the tours?" (not sure but I guess I'd manage a strange city...without a car...with 2 small children.....)

So why am I hesitating at her offer? Deep down I guess I think I know they'd be ok, so is it just I'd feel so guilty that I'd left them? It really is a lot to take on for her but I guess she wouldn't have offered if she didn't mean it.

Oh the tough decisions we have to make....if only my family lived nearer.....(oh wait! if we move to NY they would be a little bit nearer!) but that's not a reason to move - just like my delight when my husband told me the other day there are fireflies in NY! He saw my face and quickly said "but that's not a reason to move!"

I'm always on the lookout for omens when I have to make a decision. The thought of chasing fireflies sounds good to me....!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Don't ask the children!

Uh-oh! We made the mistake of asking the children if they wanted to move to New York.  Knowing their fascination with the Statue of Liberty we thought this was a no-brainer!
However, they both surprised us by saying "no"!
I think it has something to do with the fact that while the 'big girls' in our neighborhood are on summer break they have been coming to take our 2 out to play.  Even at this young age I think they realise they would miss these bigger girls.
Oh goodness, we really don't want to uproot our little family from this perfect house in the perfect neighborhood!  No guarantee if we make this move it would be the last one and I don't want to keep moving them around.
Should we cut loose and try and be in control of our own destiny?  Even if it means my husband has no job?
We really don't want to put the girls in day-care for me to go to work, don't think it would be economical anyway to work then give it all away to someone else for looking after my children.
Oh well, must get on, busy day - working on Assignment 4 of my writing course, preparing for a Pink Papaya spa party this w/e and cooking dinner to take to a friend who has just had her 3rd baby!
Have a great w/e! 

Monday, July 20, 2009

Welcome Home

After a lovely vacation spent with our families and lots of traveling we are back home.  However, we bring with us a dilemma.....
During our first week we received the news that my husband's company are relocating - to New York!!!
So once again, we are facing a life changing decision.  This seems to happen to us everyone few years!
Do we go so he keeps a job?  Do we stay in this beautiful house, with the fantastic views, good schools and great friends?  In this wonderful neighborhood where I wanted my girls to grow up?
Hmmm, lots of thinking to be done.....once again.....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hello from the UK!!

I must give a big shout out to my 2 STAR girls. They were absolutely superb on the flights - both the 9 hours to London then the hour flight up to Scotland. They did as they were told, didn't shout or cry or in any way disturb other people and they even managed to sleep for several hours!!
Thank you so much girls for making the long, long travelling so enjoyable. The relief on their faces when we finally saw Grandma though was a beautiful sight to see. I think they thought we'd never get here!
Hope you had a great 4th of July!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We can work it out

Picture the scene: playgroup, my 2 little girls, one pair of dress up shoes.

Doesn't take a genius to work out there were squabbles! "She's had them a long time" "it's my turn!" etc etc

So imagine my delight when I went down to the friend's playroom later to check on them and they said "We decided to wear one shoe each".

Alleluia!! They can work things out for themselves!!