Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bittersweet Day

First day of preschool for my youngest today....
I'm so happy for them both as it's such a lovely class, the teacher is great and I know they're going to have loads of fun and learn so much but for each chapter that opens, another has to close...
My time alone with them is gone, they are heading off into the big world and I fear I may be left behind!
All my life I wished for babies and now that chapter is officially over..
The trash truck came today and we all usually shout 'trash truck!' and run to the window to watch the big arm come out and lift up the trash. Today I watched on my own and felt very lonely!
Get a grip Mommy! They'll be back at 11.30! Yes, but they'll be full of stories of things they did with their friends and their teacher....not me...
It's hard to let them go but for now at least I know they are in a safe, happy place - I'm already dreading this time next year when my oldest heads for kindergarten at 'big girl school'!
My husband and my girls all want a puppy but I'm set against it - until today that is, when the house is so quiet!
OK I must go and cook and clean and do all the things I don't get round to doing when they are here - can't wait for 11.30am!


  1. Know that feeling only too well. They are only singularly "ours" for such a short time. Once they go out into the world time starts to pass way too quickly. Make the most of the special times. But no harm in enjoying the "you time" too.

  2. I don't know but i think a puppy does make a whole of difference to kids. It is a lot more work but once it has been tolet trained, dogs settle in really well. My girl has always had one or two dogs around and she is always happy and hugging and squeezing them.
