Oh my goodness! We were woken at 2am by the loudest BANG of thunder I ever heard!!! The whole house shook and it made our bedroom smoke alarms go off!
We were sure the house had been hit by lightning and my husband went to investigate. We have tall trees right outside so perhaps it was them.
Whatever, I've never been so scared in my life!!!! I ran through to the girls rooms as they were crying. My little one had her hands welded to her ears where they remained long after the storm had passed.
My oldest slept in our bed (and apparently tossed & turned all night!) and I slept in with my little one (who insisted on sleeping diagonally so I was perched on the edge!). It took her a while to get back off to sleep as she was worried about .....Santa! She asked if Santa heard the thunder too and if he was scared! How sweet of her! Most children don't give Santa a second thought between Christmases!
The storms here are huge - with lightning regularly touching the ground, causing fires and even killing people. Sadly a friend's brother in law was struck and killed last year. It's kind of hard to reassure the girls when you know that it isn't actually 'alright'.
Phew, hopefully it's true and lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice!
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