Thursday, June 4, 2009

...back again

Hello again,
I sorted out the crying in the playroom. It was something and nothing as usual i.e. something important enough to them to make them cry but nothing life threatening!
Out with girl friends the other night an interesting question arose - do you think you are a better wife or a better mother? We all said we thought we were better mothers and that we all felt guilty for saying so.
Later, I asked my husband if he thought he was a better husband or a better father and he said - a better husband. Interesting.
I had to explain why I'd asked and when I told him I felt I was a better mother he said "that's as it should be - husbands are big enough to look after ourselves".
Thanks, that made me feel much better!


  1. I'll have to agree with the husband, children are a big responsibility until they can take care of themselves - ie when they are married and have someone else besides parents to take over the caring!!

  2. I'm sure I'll still find something to worry about then! But he did make me feel better when he said that.
