The day is fast approaching when I will have a little time on my own. Like a kid waiting for recess I'm getting excited!
I was thinking it would be fall before I had child-free time, then I signed them both up for ballet so thought ok, it''ll happen a little earlier, in the summer. But suddenly, it's going to be on Friday - of this week!
The preschool my oldest goes to offers an optional extra session on Fridays and the teacher has invited my little one to start going along in preparation for her attending preschool there next school year. So suddenly - although I'm not sure I'm prepared to let go of her yet! - I'll have child-free time in just a matter of days!
The other Moms at preschool are excited for me too! They've seen both girls names on the list for Friday and have been stopping me to ask what I'm going to do with my free time! "Don't do housework!" one Mom friend advised. "Don't go grocery shopping" another said. "Go shopping just for yourself - and go to 3 different shops!"
You see they understand how precious time alone can be when you're a Mom. Some are already there, with older children in school and their little one at preschool. Others still have young ones at home and are longing for that day to come for them too.
It seems we have to beg our husbands to look after the children to allow us to do anything on our own and even then it's met with "how long are you going to be?" which immediately puts pressure on us to hurry and get back.
So although I'll be sad to leave them (I really do miss them if I go out without them!?) I can't wait to have 3 whole hours to myself...
I can just browse, not have to answer a million questions in quick succession, get in and out the car within seconds, go to many different shops, try clothes on, try shoes on (I daren't take them to shoe shops - both girls LOVE shoes and want to try on every pair they can reach - including incredibly high stilettos!), stop off for a coffee without an entourage, not have to worry about knowing where the toilets are everywhere I go.
OOOH I can't wait....!!
But, I'm sure I'll be just as happy to see 11.30am roll around so I can collect those little chatterboxes and get 2 great, big, hugs.....
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