Monday again and it's raining! How lovely! No seriously I mean it! I miss the rain terribly in this semi-desert climate so every drop is a blessing! It's soooo refreshing.
Talking of refreshed - I am too! I am soooo relaxed after my massage - it was heavenly. I haven't had one for so long and now I've signed up for one a month for the next year!!
I know, it's clever marketing on their behalf to tempt you with the reduced rate if you sign up the minute you walk out of the room but I really think it's worth it. In fact monthly (free) massages should be available to everyone! I'm convinced it would help reduce every countries health costs by reducing stress and dealing with chronic muscle pain issues.
Anyway, while I was relaxing my girls were having a great time! The little one was thrilled she now knows what happens while her sister's at school and my older girl loved showing her little sister where things were and how things were done at school.
My poor husband though - the girls are on at him to let them go every Friday now! I better hurry up and earn some money to help pay for this!
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