As it's Labor Day this w/e and my husband gets Monday off we're going to take our first USA road trip!!
Mt Rushmore here we come!
Unfortunately my husband thinks that the world and his wife will also be there this w/e (as we had trouble getting accommodation that wasn't booked up!) but once I get an idea in my head I can be like a dog with a bone! Besides, Storybook Island which will be fun for the girls closes after Labor Day - so we're going this w/e!
I can't believe all the amazing places I've been since we moved here- places I only ever heard about and never for a second thought I'd visit - like the Golden Gate Bridge (I walked over and back while 7 months pregnant!!), Seattle's Space Needle, LA and the Hollywood Walk of Fame (bought an Oscar for "Best Kids" - I know tacky but I LOVE it!) and recently NYC!!
This will be our first road trip though!
As I don't watch much TV I sadly missed all but the last episode of what looked like a great show "The Great American Road Trip" - I would have loved to see all the places they went. I know that when the girls are a little older we definitely have to do an RV road trip one summer - that looks like great fun! (But first on the girls lists of vacations spots is Disney World!!)
So here's hoping we have a fantastic w/e in South Dakota!!
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