The 'big girls' down the street have brought my girls some toys they no longer play with - Polly Pockets! They are the tiniest little dolls with the tiniest little clothes and accessories that I just know are going to end up all over the house!!
This morning a little tiny Polly Pocket skirt rolled under the furniture and the girl's arms were too short to reach it. Now I'm only 5'2" so not exactly big but I was able to reach this little toy. I was then delighted when my youngest (now 3 yr old!!) said "good job Mommy!"
It took me by surprise and it was several moments before I realised how I was feeling. It's hard to describe but I felt proud and humble all at the same time. Proud that she was pleased I'd been able to help her but humble when I realised that she really is growing up and was using a phrase I usually say to her, as if I'd really achieved something by reaching in for this toy, she sounded so grown up! I realised that one day the tables will be turned and she'll be helping me!
This was echoed by a friend I met up with on our recent trip to the UK. Her son is now away at University but was home for the summer. She was commenting how he is so grown up and helps her out now by reaching things on high shelves for her or unscrewing jars. She felt she was no longer his 'parent' as he didn't need looking after any more. She said it was a strange sensation when she realised this shift had happened.
We want them to be independent but we also want them to always need us!
p.s. hope you like the photo of the longed for Princess cake. She was even more excited when she found out Cinderella's dress lit up!!
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