I recently joined Mom Bloggers Club in the US and discovered they have just started a sister site in the UK. I joined this site too because I lived in Scotland for my first 25 years then England for several more years so would like to keep in touch with Mummy life in Britain as well as Mommy life in America.
I try as much as possible to teach my girls about my cultural heritage as that will always be where my heart is. Although they were both born in America (but have dual nationality!) they love to say "I was born in Scotland Mommy same as you" which warms my heart... but then sometimes they will also say "I'm from Mexico same as Dora "(the Explorer)...so perhaps they are a little confused ...or just watching too much TV!
They are already a bit mixed up as my English husband keeps telling them they are half Scottish, half English and half American. What will their teachers say when my girls insist there are 3 halves instead of just 2!
Funnily enough our American friends think our girls sound British and our British friends think they sound American! Sorry girls, you really are destined to be mixed up!
I was listening to my Swedish neighbor talking to her 1 year old son in Swedish the other day and marvelling that he was already bilingual. Then I thought to myself "my children are bilingual too!" However, I'm not sure telling them that in Britain a cookie is called a biscuit, a diaper is called a nappy and pants are called trousers really counts as bilingual does it?
But then I thought "wait! they really are! I've heard them count to 10 in Spanish, they know Hola is Spanish for hello and grande is Spanish for big". Although, I must confess this is all down to Dora the Explorer again....hmmm perhaps they are also half Mexican after all.......?
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