Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Out of the mouths of babes...
Our girls have their own rooms - one is pink, the other is purple. Before we moved in last summer my husband (with a little help from the girls!) painted one wall in each room in those colors to make the girls feel at home in their new room. We are now ready to finish decorating them and thought the girls would be excited.
My youngest is two and a half years old - need I say more?
We were standing in her room with my friend discussing ideas to make it really special when she announced in a slightly distressed voice "I don't want my room painted, I want it purple!" We reassured her it was going to stay purple but she continued to be upset saying "my Daddy painted that!"
My friend was trying to calm her down and asked "did you help him?" "Yes" she said "Daddy shouted at me!"
I was mortified! I don't know her very well at all and wasn't sure what her reaction would be. Luckily she replied "Well it was your first time painting, I bet he'll let you help again".
My husband rarely raises his voice and it must just have been something like "you're in the way" or "put that down" and it was 8 months ago but whatever happened it has certainly stuck in my daughter's mind!
My oldest also knows how to embarrass me - both times in the same Post Office. The first time we were waiting in line when she turned to the man behind us and said in a big loud voice "That man's wearing earrings. Men don't wear earrings" I'm not sure what his reaction was as I daren't look at him!
The next time, we were being served at the Post Office and there is a gentleman there who always gives my girls a stamp on their hand. On this occasion it was a different man serving us but my oldest daughter shouted "I want a stamp on my hand now!" It did sound very cheeky but I only had myself to blame....she was using the exact tone I must use to them when I say "come here, I said come here now!"
I did try to explain to the guy but he looked young and probably doesn't have children yet as he looked a bit puzzled.
So just a word of warning really, be careful what you say and do around your little ones as it'll come back to embarrass you one day!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Hello UK!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Snow! snow! snow!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
How can they be so naughty?
They've never done anything really naughty before but yesterday it started with my oldest girl cutting her hair with her play scissors. To be honest I've been waiting for that one - don't all kids have to do this?
But then while they were meant to be in their rooms for quiet time (sadly even my 2.5yr old doesn't want to nap anymore) I heard water running as if inside the walls of the house. I ran upstairs to find both girls pouring water down the floor vent for the heating and A/C.
Arghhhhh! There really was water running inside the walls of the house!!!
They went straight on a time out and I went straight on the phone to ask my husband what the consequences of this were. Was the water going to run into the furnace and blow it up? (ok a bit dramatic I can see now!)
The difficult thing was I couldn't get them to comprehend how naughty they had been. As I was shouting at them and asking had they ever seen me put anything down there their little eyes were actually shining with glee! They weren't being cheeky though ( I don't think they'd know how, bless them) but they just couldn't see what all the fuss was about!
Help! I'm not eating enough fruit!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
End of an era
- the many hours my husband and I spent in Babies R Us trying to decide just what would be the right style, brand, color & features for each item
- gazing at our baby sleeping peacefully in the lovely wooden crib when all too soon they outgrew the bassinet
- their first spoonful of baby rice in the high chair
- the excitement of buying a double stroller when we found out another little one was on the way!
Monday, March 23, 2009
The saga continues
I replied to one advert 20 minutes after it was posted and I was still the second person - not the first - can you believe this?
I phoned about another one and was told they'd phone me if the first person didn't want it. They did phone and left a message saying the person hadn't turned up. Terrific, I thought so I called them back within 40 minutes of them leaving the message - she'd only gone and phoned the next person on the list after me and they were on their way to get it!!
Was she so desperate for the money she couldn't even wait for me to reply?
My husband is now realising how hot the competition is for these - he previously said things like "you're not checking Craigslist again are you?" Now he's saying - "shouldn't you be checking Craigslist again?"!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The results are in
What happened when I said yes instead of no? We had a truly lovely day!
- my oldest girl got to take a toy to preschool
- they got to watch TV during lunch
- they wore the dress up shoes outside
The result:
- my daughter was happy to have a 'friend' at school and the toy didn't get lost or damaged and didn't distract her or any of the other things I usually tell her will happen if she takes a toy to school!
- they didn't want to stop reading books just because they were allowed to watch TV while eating plus they ate all their food
- they didn't fall in the dress up shoes nor did the shoes get dirty
So there go all my arguments and excuses!
Me? I had a lovely relaxing day with 2 very happy girls. I don't think it has made them expect to get their own way all the time but it did make me realise how much I had begun to automatically say no. With a little more effort on my part we had a lovely, relaxing day!
I'm looking forward to a nice weekend while keeping up my new habit. What a relief, I really have been sweating the small stuff haven't I!
Today I'm going to say yes
- "Can we paint?" "No"
- "Can I have a cookie?" "No"
- "Can I wear the dress up shoes outside?" "No"
But today when they ask me something, I'm going to stop what I'm doing, think about their request and if it's not dangerous(!) then I'm going to say yes.
They'll be happy and I'm sure I'll reduce my stress level. Because once you've automatically said no it's hard to back down isn't it? You think if you say "oh alright then" when they start pleading they'll realise this tactic works and keep using it.
Often I say no just because I'm busy or don't want to deal with the consequences such as the mess of painting. But all I'm doing is making the girls sad and myself stressed, as now I have to keep saying no in lots of different ways to try and get them to accept it and think of a reason to explain why I said no!
But how frustrating for them! How difficult I make it for myself to have to deal with their pleading! All because I've got in a habit - a bad habit and I vow to change it - starting today.
So yes girls - you can paint, eat cookies and wear the dress up shoes outside! Quick - go have fun!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Mommy, Mommy!, Mommy?
Monday, March 16, 2009
I want to do it all by myself!
I should be pleased really.
You spend the first few years of their life doing everything for your little ones and sometimes (when you're really exhausted) you wish they would take over and do it for themselves just to give you a break.
Then that day arrives and you find yourself unable to give up control:
"But you'll squeeze out too much toothpaste!"- "But that top doesn't match those pants!"
- "But you'll spill it!"
I know, I know this is my issue not theirs and I truly am learning to gradually hand over control.... and deal with the mess later..... !
Every parent wants a child who is independent and my job is to teach them how to do things well so they can one day go off confidently into the world, I just didn't think that independence would come so soon...
I'm learning that my role as a Mommy is constantly changing and I need to keep up to date! I guess it's like any job when the boss (in this case my children) tells you at your annual review that you will now be handling a slightly different workload and you need to find the skills to allow you to do this. The goals from my review would include:
- develop even more patience
- manage your time better to allow for small children who take a long time doing something you could do in one minute
- be flexible - able to change plans at a moments notice if those plans don't suit a 2 year old
- learn to smile instead of sigh
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday, Friday best day of the week!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Mom's Night Out- Hooray!
He usually only does it if I'm actually out for the evening so I hope the girls don't play up for him because I'm just downstairs! They are very excited though as when Daddy puts them to bed the girls get to do things I don't let them do. For example, he lets them sit up on the counter to brush their teeth (gulp!). It's probably better we don't know what happens When Daddy's in Charge...
I'm off now to tidy the house, chill the wine, prepare the yummy snacks .....(oh and then lay out the pajamas, the toothpaste, the toothbrushes etc so all evening I don't hear "pssst, where's the...." ) Looking forward to a reeelaaaxing evening.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Spring forward into fitness
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
2am visit feels like a bad Country Song!
Last night was the latter and made me think of a Country song where the singer has lost everything " I've lost my pillow, I've lost my sleep, I've lost my space in the bed and the blanket's in a heap!"
I had to wake myself fully, scoop her up and take her back to her own bed. Thankfully, my husband relented and bought them both full beds recently so I can actually lie with them (or fall asleep till morning!) in comfort. As previously I could only kneel on the floor and lay my head on the edge of the toddler bed - not conducive to sleep!