Our girls have their own rooms - one is pink, the other is purple. Before we moved in last summer my husband (with a little help from the girls!) painted one wall in each room in those colors to make the girls feel at home in their new room. We are now ready to finish decorating them and thought the girls would be excited.
My youngest is two and a half years old - need I say more?

We were standing in her room with my friend discussing ideas to make it really special when she announced in a slightly distressed voice "I don't want my room painted, I want it purple!" We reassured her it was going to stay purple but she continued to be upset saying "my Daddy painted that!"
My friend was trying to calm her down and asked "did you help him?" "Yes" she said "Daddy shouted at me!"
I was mortified! I don't know her very well at all and wasn't sure what her reaction would be. Luckily she replied "Well it was your first time painting, I bet he'll let you help again".
My husband rarely raises his voice and it must just have been something like "you're in the way" or "put that down" and it was 8 months ago but whatever happened it has certainly stuck in my daughter's mind!
My oldest also knows how to embarrass me - both times in the same Post Office. The first time we were waiting in line when she turned to the man behind us and said in a big loud voice "That man's wearing earrings. Men don't wear earrings" I'm not sure what his reaction was as I daren't look at him!
The next time, we were being served at the Post Office and there is a gentleman there who always gives my girls a stamp on their hand. On this occasion it was a different man serving us but my oldest daughter shouted "I want a stamp on my hand now!" It did sound very cheeky but I only had myself to blame....she was using the exact tone I must use to them when I say "come here, I said come here now!"
I did try to explain to the guy but he looked young and probably doesn't have children yet as he looked a bit puzzled.
So just a word of warning really, be careful what you say and do around your little ones as it'll come back to embarrass you one day!